Your Specialist for Allergy & Asthma Testing
and Finding Relief from Allergies and Asthma
Bernard A. Feigenbaum, M.D. FAAAAI
Voluntary Assistant Clinical Professor, UCSD School of Medicine
Board-Certified, American Board of Allergy & Immunology
Member, American Contact Dermatitis Society
Relevant in-office testing
Eczema/Atopic Dermatitis--Food Allergy Test to wheat, soy, milk, peanut, seafood and many other foods (results in 15 min)
Allergic Contact Dermatitis--Comprehensive Patch Testing with 80-140 chemical and metal contact allergens, customized for each patient including:
American Contact Dermatitis Society Core 90 Series
Cosmetic series
Sunscreen series
Hairdresser series
Rubber Chemical Series
For more info, please see SKIN ALLERGIES-Patch Testing
San Diego Skin Allergy Specialist
Atopic Dermatitis
Allergic Contact Dermatitis
Sunscreen, Cosmetic, Hair Dye, Metal Allergy
Ooccupational Dermatitis